
Now Collect in 10+ popular currencies USD, EUR, GBP, AED, AUD, SGD, HKD, and 6 other eurozone currencies. Know More >

Xflow Receiving Account

Our version of virtual foreign currency account

Allow customers to conveniently pay with their country's local bank transfer, which is reliable and fast. Compliantly withdraw any amount at your convenience and receive funds within 1 business day.

Receiving Accounts

Businesses of all scales, from independent professionals to large enterprises, use Xflow Receiving Accounts for convenience, cost-effectiveness, and compliance.

Collect in USD, EUR, GBP

Collect in 10+ currencies

USD, GBP, EUR, AED, AUD, SGD, and more

Receive from worldwide

Receive from worldwide*

*except sanctioned countries

Get paid to India

Get Paid to India

INR and EEFC account

Manage your Xflow Receiving Account from our Dashboard or integrate with our APIs to build your own workflows. Â